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Kamien, Morton I., (Personal Name)

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  • Kamien, Morton,

Biblioteca del Congreso (Estados Unidos), 03 abril 2018 : catálogo electrónico

His Dynamic optimization, c1981: CIP t.p. (Morton Kamien) bk. t.p. (Morton I. Kamien)

His Market structure and innovation, 1982: t.p. (Morton I. Kamien)

Frontiers of research in economic theory, 1998: CIP t.p. (Morton I. Kamien) data sheet (b. 08-15-1938) pub. info. (b. in Krakow, Poland; 1970- Kellogg Grad. Sch. of Managment, Northwestern U., Evanston, Ill., various positions; Ph.D., Purdue Univ.)

Dynamic optimization the claculus of variations and optimal control in economics and management, 1991: portada (Morton I. Kamien)