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Auping Birch, John, (Personal Name)
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- Birch, John Auping
- Auping Birch, Juan
- Birch, Juan Auping
- Auping, Juan
- Auping, John
nuc87-16622: His México hoy y mañana, 1981 (hdg. on CSt rept.: Auping, Juan; usage: Juan Auping)
Entre socialismo y neoliberalismo, 1992: t.p. (Dr. Juan Auping Birch)
Religion and social justice, 1994: t.p. (John Auping, S.J.; Univ. Iberoamericana, Dept. of Religious Sciences, Mexico) cover (John A. Auping)
El análisis económico de los derechos humanos, 2004 t.p. (John Auping)
John Auping Birch, viewed Nov. 9, 2009 biografía (Dr. Juan Auping Birch; John Andrew Auping Birch, b. Holland, jesuit priest, lives in México since1977; site includes list of publications, etc.)