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Arredondo, Inés, 1928-1989 (Personal Name)
Her Acercamiento a Jorge Cuesta, 1982: t.p. (Inés Arredondo)
Her Underground river and other stories, 1996: CIP t.p. (Inés Arredondo) introd. (1928-1989; most important Mexican woman short-story writer of the 20th century; only published three slim volumes of stories over a period of twenty-three years, yet her firmly established in Mexico)
LC data base, 6/29/84 (hdg.: Arredondo, Inés)
Historia verdadera de una princesa, 1988: t.p. (Ines Arredondo) p. 4 of cover (b. in Culiacan, Sinaloa in 1928)
Ensayos, 2012 (b. 1928 in Culiacán; d. 1989 in Mexico City)