De Mente, Boye 1928-2017 (Personal Name)
- DeMente, Boye
- Mente, Boye De
- Te Meng-tʻieh, Po-yeh La-fa-yeh
- Meng-tʻieh
- Meng, Tʻieh
- Earlier heading: De Mente, Boye Lafayette
- ボイエ・L.D.メンテ
- ボイ・デ・メンテ
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
His How business is done in Japan.
His Eros' revenge, c1979: t.p. (Boye DeMente)
His Chinese etiquette & ethics in business, c1989: t.p. (Boye Lafayette De Mente)
Fang tsʻe chʻung pai, 1992: t.p. (Po-yeh La-fa-yeh Te Meng-tʻieh) colophon, etc. (Boye Lafayette De Mente [in rom.]; b. 1928, Mo., U.S.A.; Meng-tʻieh)
Cultural code words of the Navajo people, c2009: t.p. (Boyé Lafayette De Mente)
Wikipedia, Sept. 28, 2018 (Boyé Lafayette De Mente (November 12, 1928 in Mayberry, Reynolds County, Missouri-May 12, 2017 in Paradise Valley, Arizona) was an American author, journalist, and adventurer who wrote more than 100 books mainly related to the culture of Japan and the Japanese language. He also wrote widely of East Asia as well as Mexico.)