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Tricker, R. Ian, (Robert Ian) (Personal Name)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Tricker, Bob
- Tricker, R. I. (Robert Ian)
- Earlier heading: Tricker, Robert Ian
His The accountant in management, 1967.
His Management information and control systems, c1983: CIP t.p. (R. I. Tricker, Corporate Policy Group, Oxford)
The Director's manual, 1990- : t.p. (Bob Tricker) Brit CIP (Tricker, R. I. (Robert Ian), 1933- )
Information from 678 converted Dec. 8, 2014 (F.C.A., F.C.W.A., J.Dip.M.A.; specialist in business acc't & mgmt.; holds Fellowship at Oxford Centre for Mgmt. Studies)