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Schávelzon, Daniel, 1950- (Personal Name)

Forma preferida: Schávelzon, Daniel, 1950-
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Schávelzon Chavín, Daniel Gastón 1950-
  • Chavín, Daniel Gastón Schávelzon 1950-

His El arte y la arquitectura olmeca, 1974: (published by the Centro de Investigaciones Histórico Sociales in Buenos Aires)

Gutiérrez Solana, N. Corpus bibliográfico de la cultura olmeca, 1980: t.p., etc. (Daniel G. Schávelzon; published by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Coordinación de Extensión Universitaria)

Author's blog, March 17, 2021: (Daniel Schávelzon; architect with a degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (1975); master's in restoration monuments (1981) and Ph.D. (1984), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; founder and director of the Centro de Arqueología Urbana of the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (since 1991), the Área de Arqueología Urbana of the Dirección General de Patrimonio of the Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (since 1996), and the Área Fundacional de Mendoza (since 1988); specialist in archaeological history in urban areas of Buenos Aires and other cities in Argentina as well as in other countries, conservation of cultural patrimony, cultural policy, and the illegal traffic of works of art; author of several works including Corpus bibliográfico de la cultura olmeca (1980); co-author of Bibliografía de la cultura olmeca (1976) (published by the Centro de Investigaciones Histórico Sociales in Buenos Aires))

VIAF database, March 17, 2021: Argentina entry from email with the author on December 21, 2016 (Daniel Gastón Schávelzon Chavín; born November 1, 1950 in Buenos Aires; architect; archaeologist)‏