Divers, Stephen J., (Personal Name)
- Divers, Steven J. (Stephen J.)
- Divers, Steve (Stephen J.)
- Hernandez-Divers, Stephen J.
- Divers, S. J. (Stephen J.)
- Divers, Stephen J. Hernandez-
Endoscopy and endosurgery, c2010: t.p. (Stephen J. Divers)
OCLC, May 17, 2010 (hdg: Divers, Stephen; Divers, Stephen J.; Divers, Steve; Divers, S. J.; usage: Stephen Divers; Stephen J. Divers; Steve Divers; Steven J. Divers)
OCLC, May 1, 2019 (access points: Divers, Stephen; Divers, Stephen J.; Divers, Steve; Hernandez-Divers, Stephen J. ; usage: Stephen Divers; Stephen J. Divers; Steve Divers; Steven J. Divers; Stephen J. Hernandez-Divers)
Mader's reptile and amphibian medicine and surgery, 2019: title page (Stephen J. Divers; BVetMed, DZooMed, Dipl ECZM, (Herpetology and Zoo Health Management), DACZM, FRCVS; Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Fellow and Recognized Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine; European Veterinary Specialist in Zoo Health Management; Scientific Editor for the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery; Associate Editor for the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine; Professor of Zoological Medicine, Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia)
Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia (website), March 6, 2019: Our People (Stephen Divers; BVetMed, DZooMed, DZooMed, Dip.ECZM (Zoo Health Management, Herpetology), DACZM, FRCVS; Professor of Zoological Medicine (zoo, wildlife, aquatics and exotic pets); Education background: De Facto Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Zoo Health Management), 2013; Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (by thesis), 2010; Founder Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Herpetology), 2009; Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine, 2004; Diplomate, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Zoological Medicine, London, 2000; Certificate, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Zoological Medicine, London, 1998; Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Royal Veterinary College, University of London, 1994; Bachelor of Medical Sciences (physiology), Kings College, University of London, 1991; Born in England; Research interests: zoological medicine and surgery, incl reptiles, birds, small mammals, and fish; minimally invasive endoscopy and endosurgery; He obtained his RCVS fellowship (PhD) for his work on exotic animal endoscopy and endosurgery.)