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Villanueva, Darío, 1950- (Personal Name)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Villanueva Prieto, Darío 1950-
- Prieto, Darío Villanueva 1950-
La Novela lírica, c1983: v. 1-2, t.p. (Darío Villanueva)
LC data base, 12-8-83 (Hdg.: Villanueva, Darío)
Bécquer, G.A. Desde mi celda, c1985: t.p. (Darío Villanueva) cover (b. Villalba, 1950; prof. of lit. & crit., Univ. de Santiago de Compostela; associate editor of Anales de la literatura española contemporánea)
Estructura y tiempo reducido en la novela, 1994: t.p. (Darío Villanueva) p. 4 of cover (Darío Villanueva Prieto; b. 1950 in Villaba, Spain; earned doctorate in Hispanic linguistics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; professor of literature theory at Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Theories of literary realism, 1997: CIP t.p. (Darío Villanueva) data sheet (b. 06-05-50)