Rius, 1934-2017 (Personal Name)
- Del Rio, Eduardo 1934-2017
- Del Rio García, Eduardo 1934-2017
- García, Eduardo del Río 1934-2017
- Río, Eduardo del 1934-2017
- Río García, Eduardo del 1934-2017
- リウス 1934-2017
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
His Cuba for beginners, 1970.
His Cómics naturistas de Rius, 1986 (1987 printing): cover, back flap (Eduardo del Rio García)
678 field information, Aug. 14, 2017 (born Michoacan, Mexico, 1934)
New York times WWW site, viewed Aug. 14, 2017 (in obituary published Aug. 11: Eduardo del Río; Eduardo Humberto del Río García; b. June 20, 1934, Zamora; d. Tuesday [Aug. 8, 2017], Tepoztlán, aged 83; self-taught Mexican caricaturist who weaponized his pen to mock politicians, imperialism, religion, corruption, consumerism, and carnivores, getting himself kidnapped and excommunicated and also becoming immensely popular in the process; adopted the pen name Rius)
Osama, Tiosam : por qué ama tanto el mundo a los Estados Unidos, © 2003: t.p. (Rius) de portada
Biblioteca del congreso (Estados Unidos), 25 febrero 2020: Catálogo electrónico http://bit.ly/2T0Fl1z