Best of the best : secrets to becoming a top revenue producing franchise operations manager /
Pagliarulo, Ron,
Best of the best : secrets to becoming a top revenue producing franchise operations manager / Ron Pagliarulo ; - First GBN publishing / february - 162 páginas ; 21 cm
"Every Franchise Manger needs to read this book..." -- Cubierta Ron "Pags" Pagliarulo -- Cubierta
Franquicias (Comercio minorista)--Administración
Best of the best : secrets to becoming a top revenue producing franchise operations manager / Ron Pagliarulo ; - First GBN publishing / february - 162 páginas ; 21 cm
"Every Franchise Manger needs to read this book..." -- Cubierta Ron "Pags" Pagliarulo -- Cubierta
Franquicias (Comercio minorista)--Administración